Nokia History

September 08, 2010 cellular tariff war

As written on the official website Nokia history of Nokia is a great company and very surprising. Not after I read how much more detail there are some 1.5 centuries of history during the development of the company Nokia is. Here are the details of history ....The first Nokia century began with Fredrik Idestam's paper mill on the banks of the Nokianvirta river. Between 1865 and 1967, the company would become a major industrial force; but it took a merger with a cable company and a rubber firm to set the new Nokia Corporation on the path to electronics...
1865: The birth of Nokia
Fredrik Idestam establishes a paper mill at the Tammerkoski Rapids in south-western Finland, where the Nokia story begins.
1898: Finnish Rubber Works founded
Eduard Polón founds Finnish Rubber Works, which will later become Nokia's rubber business.
1912: Finnish Cable Works founded
Arvid Wickström starts Finnish Cable Works, the foundation of Nokia's cable and electronics businesses.
1937: Verner Weckman, industry heavyweight
Former Olympic wrestler Verner Weckman becomes President of Finnish Cable Works.
1960: First electronics department first electronics department
Cable Works establishes its selling and operating computers.
1962: First in-house electrical device
The Cable Works electronics department produces its first in-house electrical device - a pulse analyzer for nuclear power plants.
1967: The merger
Nokia Ab, Finnish Rubber Works and Finnish Cable works formally merge to create Nokia Corporation.
History more details click here
Read also the article Nokia E7


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